

AQ2TB-COMBILAB+: basic software for the measure in real time of flow-rate, pressure and temperature to verify the reaction and the performance of components under test and to perform in addition pressure and temperature jumps tests, flow-rate variation tests and temperature control variation tests.

AQ2TB-FLOW-STEP: flow-rate tests with automatic pressure jumps sequence for cold and/or hot water supply, specific for thermostatic mixers. Final report with hot, cold and mixed water flow-rate, pressure and mixed water temperature.

AQ2TB-FLOW-LIN: flow-rate tests with linear increase and/or decrease of pressure and multi-trace flow-rate/pressure or pressure/flow-rate charts.

AQ2TB-M-LAB-NF: software for performing water supply failure tests on thermostatic mixers, adapt for detecting hot water loss in case of cold/hot-water failure, in accordance with NF Standard (NF 077 doc.4 rev.19).

AQ2TB-M-LAB-EN: software for performing water supply failure tests on thermostatic mixers, adapt for detecting hot water loss in case of cold/hot-water failure, in accordance with EN Standard (EN 1111 - 2017).

AQ2TB-M-LAB-D08: software for performing water supply failure tests on thermostatic mixers, adapt for detecting hot water loss in case of cold/hot-water failure, in accordance with D08 Standard (2017).

AQ2TB-M-LAB-CSA: software for performing water supply failure tests on thermostatic mixers, adapt for detecting hot water loss in case of cold/hot-water failure, in accordance with CSA Standard (ASSE/ASME/CSA 1016-2017).

AQ2TB-ASV: software for the automatic execution of flow-rate tests on automatic shut-off valves according to EN 816 Standard. With this software is possible to measure the maximum flow-rate, the opening time, the outlet temperature, the total volume of water and evaluate the shape of flow-rate graph. Anytime is possible to reload a test report, change the calculation parameters and obtain different results.


Software for laboratory tests


December 2024
December 2024
December 2024

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